Friday, November 25, 2011

Welcome to the KoLaverimania !

Whether it may be any social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, or the online media sites such as YouTube, everywhere the latest rage is about the song Kolavari di. This peppy number with bizarre lyrics is driving everyone crazy.
 Granted that Kolavari di  is a mish-mash of English and Tamil but it’s fairer to say it’s 80% nonsense.
“Kolaveri” is Tamil for “murderous rage,”
di- often used to call girls in a crude way (shortened form of de'ar),
soup- love failure (rejected),
mama- dude.
 it's no surprise that the song of a jilted boy asking the girl why she did that to him (Why this Kolaveri?) has become an anthem. The pure emotions of breakup is the highlight, which every single youth in this country can relate to. In fact, its mad lyrics are part of its success.

This music comes directly from heart without any second thought and deliberation on the consequences. Anything straight from heart lives to rule and amuses the masses. I am loving it!
 Here's wishing it all the more fame & success......Superu. Superu. ;)

Now What? ........... Enjoy this Friggn awesome song!! ;)

Here's the lyrics for those who aren't glued to this song yet :

The soup song

Yo boys i am singing song
soup song
flop song
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di  (x 4)

Distance la moon-u moon-u
moon-u  colour-u 
white-u white background night-u night-u night-u colour-u black-u
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di (x 4)

White skin-u girl-u girl-u
girl-u heart-u black-u
eyes-u eyes-u
meet-u meet-u my future dark
Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di  (x 4)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oh Dear Me !!

Dear Me ,

Thanks for being who you're , you're so easy to be ..
because you're not perfect & you try to be either.
You cry when you feel like & say sorry so easily ..
It shouldn't be difficult being you I guess !!

Take Care !
Kichus ~

Friday, November 11, 2011

Writing for a cause - SAVE the innOcence !!!

A few days back I went out for ice-cream with my friends. But to my disappointment, I couldn’t enjoy it. A small child hardly 5 or 6 years old came to me. He was very cute, with pink cheeks, hair made up just right; not to mention his clothes were nice and clean. I was just wondering what he was doing there when to my horror, he lifted his hand. He had a handful of pencils; he was selling them. In the developing world that we live in, child labor is something very common. We see it every day around us, we have partially become numb to it. But this child here, he was so darn cute, his eyes so bright, his smile so innocent… those pink cheeks, and the way he held out those few pencils to me, it really broke my heart.  
I offered him some money. You know what the child did? He refused to take the money for nothing; he wanted to exchange them for pencils only. We bought some, and he went away happily. I felt a little happy about the way this little child had known the ethical difference between earning his living or begging for it. Obviously he learnt this from his parents who obviously, then, have morals. God knows what terrible condition they might be in that forced them to send their beloved child out like this. Simply tragic.

Among other things that I hate being in a developing country is seeing our children withering away like that. What with all the over population, high illiteracy rate, unemployment; and on top of that, the new financial crisis the world is facing now, the poor being its first victims. 
Why can’t the government do something about these innocent babies at least!! Frustration and anger rises in me when I see their helpless eyes… They did not deserve a life so miserable in any case!
Employing children as waiters, servants, mechanics, making them do everything that their tender hands are not yet ready to do; they are forced to grow up, forced to forget their chance on a happy carefree childhood, while others like them get education, are cared for and provided for. But these poor children learn the harsh realities of life before their young minds can even understand them; and earning the very hard way those grown-ups do. These children are treated brutally in many cases, including sexual abuse and harassing. When their soft, tiny, unskilled hands cannot learn a particular skill, they are mistreated, beaten up, cursed… And they grow up in fear.
The whole idea of this post is to ask you, to do a little something for these children. There are countless ways in which we can make life a little easier for them if we put our minds and hearts to it. To start with, there are so many related causes available on the Internet that one can join. You can donate money if you can afford it. If not anything, then you can promote this cause . 
November 14th is celebrated as children's day -Come on, let’s do something for these little angels. Let us make life seem a little bit easier for them. Trust me, in the end when you’re done, just their mere smiles will be so worth it!

 Now Playing - Heal the world | Micheal jackson
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we're making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me
Enjoy the winter season ahead, and take very good care of yourselves and those around you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Note to SeLf ---> Keep Moving !!!

 You can either choose to carry the hurt inside you or you can let it make you a better person by learning something from it. You'll have your share of good and bad people in your life. While the good ones come by as blessings, without the bad ones you won't appreciate the goodness in them. So keep the good things and blow away every thing hurtful; life's too beautiful to miss!

 When you haven't forgiven those who've hurt you, you turn your back against your future. When you do forgive, you start walking forward.
Spread the love.