A lot of people come to ask me how my lovelife is. But for every person who asks me this question, to tell you the truth, I don’t know what to answer. So I take a few moments to think about it and I answer this with a smile:
“I think its okay.
I am happy.
It’s not like I can’t be happy without a guy in my life.”
And it’s true. But only part of it. I admit I feel lonely sometimes. It’s like my heart misses a certain “feeling”. It hasn’t beaten the way it did some months ago. The feeling of loving someone and be loved back is really a great feeling.
After everything, I have concluded that relationships are so hard to handle. Like what I told my friend, to start a relationship you should be emotionally, spiritually, physically, everything-ally ready. If your answer is yes, then, you are ready for a relationship.
This may sound a little weird because you might think I’m taking relationships very seriously. But I think relationships should really be taken seriously. Because playing with a person’s heart is not the way it should be. I mean it’s ridiculous. People who play with other people’s hearts are ridiculous. They are insane. They should be placed behind bars! (haha! Am I being mean? maybe, because I am bitter!)
But one thing i have realised after the pain. It proved that I am a stronger person. And it’s a reminder for me to be more careful.Although, it’s not an assurance.
There is no perfect person or a perfect relationship. There is only a perfect couple who will never give up on each other.
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