In life we all experience our ups and downs. Even if many of us would like life to be pretty much simple or perfect. However, this is far from reality. In life there is a balance between happiness and sadness. The sources that lead to either feeling may vary.
How true is this saying? Have you noticed that the people you care about the most, the people who are closest to you are the ones you hurt the most?..
Last night I experienced sadness to the core someone I really cared about called me .........a PAIN (pain as in a bothersome annoying person...someone that causes trouble, a source of unhappiness ).....that night I cried a river, I waited to see if things got better, but they didnt ,they remain the same.Have you ever gone to sleep late and then had to get up only a few hours later? No sleep. I don't trust anyone.Grief. Frightened. Agitated. Worried. That's how I felt that nite. Your mind then feels fuzzy all day, like you're high on some type of drug, but you're not really. And your head continues to hurt..All i wanted to tell him was that he hurt me! I won't use big words; hurt is harsh enough! No lies, just the truth.He hurt me! And all I said was "okay forget it". But what I meant was, "how could you do that to me? When did you begin to hate me? Was there an exact time? When did my friendship stop being sacred?
Why did you hurt me, now I’m always sad?
My question to you is why?
If you don’t know the answer, please don’t try.....
When someone has hurt us, it's all too easy to just throw our hands up and walk away from it all. That's the easy way out, but it's also the losing way. You and the person that hurt you both lose out because you lose each other.
Sometimes, though not always, a person will say something that hurts because they are stressed out or going through really rough times. They use us as bouncing board, someone to vent their frustrations out. But rather than vent what's really going on, the stress comes out as hurtful words to us.
How should i handle this??? Do I choose to see the hurtful words for what they most likely are, Stress and frustration at something in life, or do I take it personal (which it probably isn't at all) and get angry and upset and just walk away.????
"When you haven't forgiven those who've hurt you, you turn your back against your future. When you do forgive, you start walking forward."
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