I asked myself several times over the last month "should i start a Blog? What if ...". The answer was finally yes !!!
hmmm ...so is blogging just like sex ????? m i addicted ??
well lately during my free time, I think of what I want to write about in my next post.... blogging also makes me feel sOoO good because i can share my views, opinions, attitudes, perspectives, and life experiences.The longer i feel good the more inclined i am to continue.....
Acknowledgement...The most common question one would ask his/her partner is "How good are you in bed?". Almost everyone would like to think that they are the best in bed. However, the best acknowledgment is from your partner....for me the best acknowledgment on how good I am is through comments from my readers.
To be able to impress your partner, there are several skills that you need to acquire for sex. No doubt, if you are good in bed, you can have a long lasting relationship..I also realised that blogging requires good writing skills too to transform good ideas into great ideas. While some people are born with a gift for writing.For most of us, improving writing skills is a tedious but rewarding process of continuous learning and rewriting.
wow ...i m addicted !!!
" I feel like I'm cheating on my lover, sneaking off to fondle the keyboard and share secret thoughts with all manner of lurking strangers hidden from sight -- like whispering in the dark.
I find myself sitting alone in the dark and inspired place typing on my keyboard, then fearlessly click on the Post button… and hopefully receive an endless variety of instantaneous comments.....I'm happy to have dared to do it."
Very interesting....though have nothing much to write on for I have no wisdom of the first/sparkle of a genius for the second....You are a doctor, so either you help people with their relationships or deal with the physical part of the mind in it know not what term it is in your medical dictionary lets say something like fertility..for want of a better word, i wrote fertility, i'm sure there is a better medical word...just joking, at first sight this is what I thought and tend to be frank.......