And then there is to be in love; to be smitten, infatuated, enamored, hooked, taken with, besotted, head over heels.
How about a few thought-provoking questions to ponder throughout your week.- What is the real difference between the two?
- Can you have one without the other?
- Can you be in love and not love someone or can you love someone and not be in love with them? And vice versa.
what would u choose 1)Being loved but not in love OR 2)Being in love but not being loved?
ReplyDeleteid choose being loved but not being in love cause im a lil selfish where love is concerned rather b loved ..than 2 love n not get ne in return !!
ReplyDeleteBUT then in reality ....i think it wud b vice versa =p...CANT I HAVE BOTH ??? pweedy pwwz wid a cherry on top !!!!