Warning: Seriously irritating post ahead. Read at own risk.
So, you, you know I'm talking to *you*... this write up is specially for you. Good for you; you finally made it to the spotlight by earning an exclusive post by me. Here's your 15 minutes of stardom; enjoy it while it lasts.
Do you really think all that makes me up are my Facebook updates and Twitter status?
I'm far from the age of being a teenager that enjoys being pathetically emo and morbid? Just because you can't come up with something thoughtful to say doesn't mean the rest of us don't have brains. But hey, I pretty much understand one measures the other by one's own standard. So it's fine with me.
You call yourself my friend ? Why do people have to be like this ?
Is this what being Idle has done to your brains ?Go to google.com (you know how to get there, don't you?) and search for something creative to do. Having a hobby will do you good. Just like I write for a hobby, you should do something you're good at.
You're just tempting me into thinking I'm really a big shot with all the attention you're giving me. Amused? Well then why the hell am I not thinking about you? It's because I don't give a damn! Yes, I don't really give a damn! I've better things on my mind, like, my very own life, duh.
PS: If you don't like what you see on my facebook wall.. feel free to delete yourself from my friend list ...ASAP !!
Bottom line: Dear a$$wipe, next time you decide judging me or my life through my Facebook or Twitter or Blogger, remind yourself it's better to just ask me... tee-hee!!
Welcome to my blog, *my* space... and like I said, this is my world; you're just in it ;)
Have a great day!