Life gets crazy and sometimes it feels like nothing you can do will prevent it from getting worse. I maintain that nothing can ever harm you when you stand by what you believe in. It's up to you to choose being the person you are or go down with the flow.
Surround yourself with good people and you will start seeing the goodness in life even when apparently there is none. Today, when so much is expected of me, so much so that I can lose myself any moment, I fairly believe that I will come out....
Because it's only me who can choose to be the person I am!
I believe in
being myself. You don’t need to be anyone else but you,
you are an original and no one can fill your shoes better than you. Don’t be someone you’re not just because they want you to be someone different. Never underestimate yourself! The problems you have in life are given to you because it is only you who can tackle them. In you, lies a wonder. Obstacles are just a small part of God’s bigger plan for your life to make you the
gem you are destined to be one day. Smile, the best is yet to come!

I believe in
love! You will have your perfect fairy tale one day. You are given the wrong ones first just so you understand the value of the one who’s worth it all! I’m in love with babies and everything cute. I love it when it rains you can be a child all over again. I love the way God paints a new morning every day. I love the way my life is right now.
I don’t care how crazy or messy it is!

I believe in
dreams. Dreams are one thing they can't take away from me!
I dream about being famous ,happy and having a family of my own and when I have all that, you'll see me shine like no other! It's just a matter of time because
I'm a survivor.
I believe that you get
set backs in life because
it is God's way of bringing out the best in you. You meet bad people in life so that you can learn a thing or two from them. They teach you to be on your guard and to be in a present state of mind always. So be thankful for the good times and the bad, the good people who showered you with love and the bad people who taught you how to protect yourself.

I believe in
innocence. It's your greatest asset and you're beautiful just the way you are.
Know the beauty within you, respect it and then own it. Trust me, there's no one like you!
What do you believe in?
You know in an age of intellectual arrogance, I was lost listening to all lectures in my office that I can't afford my innocence any longer:( I am proud that I am innocent and not ignorant, I understand the nuances of the games played, I just fear to tread on someone.....I just believe in the truth that can set us free