I genuinely believe my life is made up of millions of tiny memories I gathered all the way from my childhood. No matter where I am, no matter what I do, the 'hows' and 'whys' of my life will always shape up according to what these memories and experiences have made of me. I'm happy and deeply grateful to God for giving me the kind of life that will always keep me searching for the positive perspective in anything.
Remember how as a child, you were fond of little things? You had no greedy desires, no ambition big enough to tire you from life. Your dreams were simple dreams. You clearly knew who you wanted to be when you grow up.
I want to be a teacher, a doctor, a pilot... There were no strings attached. It was as simple as that! You found pleasure in little things, things so small you're always overlooking them now.

Sad you forgot how the rain maddened you with happiness, sad how you stopped feeling the wind just because it will spoil your new hair do, you forgot how you used to believe in fairy tales. You forgot how you loved to draw with your finger every time the window glass was hazed with cold in those chilly December nights. Do you remember how fun it was to play in the soil? Build sand castles? Why have you stopped doing it? Just because it will spoil your clothes or make you dirty? *smiles*
I owe many of my dreams to those surreal fairy tales I read as a kid, because they taught me miracles can indeed happen... to ordinary people like us. Somewhere in my heart, I still believe in fairy tales and magic and miracles; may be they won't ever happen, but they will keep me going.
We all need a belief to place our faith in. It works as a sanctuary for our tired and beaten hearts. My heart is a glowing candle as long it has faith. When I stop believing, I cease to own that light.

Look inside yourself. See what your childhood innocence has taught you. We were closer to God back then, and we all were simpler beings. When we prayed, our hearts shone with delight because we completely believed somebody was listening.
NOw pLaying : Everybody Hurts | REM
When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on
Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes...