I acquired my devastating sneeze style because of my allergies that eventually merged into one never-ending soul-destroying miasma of mucoid misery. (Alliteration! Woo!) I grew bored with shouting "Ah-CHOO!" Who thought up "ah-choo" anyway? There's no reason it has to be that. I started with "Ah-HAAAH!" which made me sound like a brilliant inventor or an overenthusiastic detective, depending on the day. "Bla-hurrrgh!" was good, too, kind of a zombie sneeze, and "Wa-harrrrgh!" as well, which sounded like I was about to plunge off a cliff.Those were particularly satisfying, all guttural and fatalistic, especially if I got several in a row.
Some people don't know how to sneeze. They sneeze with a loud, sharp, half an "Ah!" followed by a soft "Choo!" that sounds almost exactly like a tiny Pikachu noise. Then they say "Excuse me." No one blesses them, because it's clear that they are embarrassed and guilty and deserve what's coming to them. Other people can't bring themselves to sneeze at all. They go "Knxthch!" and their eyes get momentarily huge. I don't understand such people!!
Although my allergies are not persistant ,I still have occasion to sneeze, and when I do I revel in the convulsive ballet of maxillary, trigeminal, and vagus nerves, the cascade of histamines, the spasm of the pharyngeal and tracheal muscles.
Sneezgasm : better than an orgasm ?
Well... dont think soOO
But, in general, much more acceptable at public places.
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