How I did it : I managed to let go toxic friendships that were just draining the life out of me, letting go of super selfish people who only cared for themselves, unwilling to be there or at least listen to others. let alone showed some respect.
I did not settle for any guy just to avoid loniliness, just for the sake of companionship, because they deserve better, to be respected and cherished.
I did not settle for a safe job just so that I can easily pay my bills, I choose a career which challenges me, which allows me to grow, which I am passionate about.
I did not just follow my faith blindly, just merely following what everyone else is doing, I was fortunate to have finally found the perfect spiritual path for me, and boy oh boy am I greatful for this.
I do not let peoples thoughts and words put me down, they do affect me sometimes, but i live my life the best way i know how, i give my best to everyone, they can say i am too naive and call me " Miss Goodie Two Shoes", but i am playing a bigger game in life where my ego can expect a lot of challenge and resistance from me. I deserve to live my life the best way i know how. I deserve to be myself, for how can I be otherwise.
My Mantra :Just live your life the best way you know how. Take the hardship, challenges, and all the bullshit in life as a learning process, a chance to be a new you, a bigger grand version of yourself, its ironic that the hardest moments in life is also the best moment of growth.
Resources: A heart that beats with determination and the will to never give up, no matter how hard or depressing and dire the situation is.
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