Sunday, August 28, 2011

Writing for a cause- ADOPT a Life !!!

Child Adoption - A term that perhaps receives a lot of admiration but few takers. 
We often hear people talking about adoption as the last resort if one is unable to conceive, even after resorting to artificial means. I ask myself why. Several answers come to mind after listening and hearing about child birth and related matters from very many people I've come across both at a personal level and at the hospital. Not surprisingly, at least for women, most answers relate to experiencing the feeling of a life growing inside them and the fear that their feelings of motherhood would somehow get diluted if the child doesn't come from their own womb.
For males, in general, more to do with having a kid who shares their blood line. And for parents and other elders whose opinions may have to be considered, sadly its got nothing to do with the child and everything to do with preserving their lineage and worrying about what the world would think. I've had the good fortune of being acquainted with a few couples who have in fact taken the bold yet noble step of not only adopting a child but also raising them successfully. Of course, it is not as easy as it sounds. Apart from the obvious legal, financial and social hurdles that need to crossed, an adopted child's complete acceptance depends upon the support of the entire family. 
I wonder why so many people look at adoption as if its a socially wrong thing to do? Isn't it morally right to give hope of a brighter future to someone who has essentially lost the most important thing as soon as they open their eyes to the world?If you ever happen to visit a child shelter, for a moment just stop and carefully look at the eyes of the kids, they will be yearning only for love and affection. 
Adopt. You will receive more than you can ever give.
If we're able to accept another person selflessly and completely as our own without any bias then I consider that as a life lived successfully. I believe that if the families that have trouble conceiving adopted and welcomed even one kid in their family, there would be less children out there deprived of parental love and affection.

ThanQ for visiting !

Stay blessed!

Monday, August 22, 2011

GOD must be a wonderful story teller .....

God must be a wonderful story teller. There are a billion people on this planet, and countless who have already left this world, yet each person's story is an unique one. Yours is entirely different from mine, yet our lives have a little bit of all the elements there are to life and that makes them similar. My life may seem totally separate from your story, but when you look at the bigger picture, you'll know that we all are moving in the same direction. We all have one destination, we're just taking a different route to it and so I say that God must really be an amazing story teller!
Look at how he completes everyone's story so beautifully; yours is different to mine, yet my story isn't complete without you and yours isn't complete without me. I keep wondering how my story will shape up, but nonetheless, we're all in this together, so hang on! *smiles*

Just a thought!

I hope you all have a great week ahead.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

fOrward ·٠•●

I always wanted
to be careful
not to be too fast and
leave you behind,
so I let you
one step
ahead of me.

Now I want
to run forward
as fast as I can
careful not to
let any memory
haunt me
  or frighten
or break me.

I want to run
ten steps
ahead of you..
fast forward 
this life
to a pace
there is
no thought of you
or of the love
or of my walking
one step behind you 
in love

Now Playing : roLLing in the deep | Adele

The scars of your love remind me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling

We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it to the beat

What comes to your mind when I say "forward"? If you have anything interesting please share ...

Friday, August 12, 2011

“One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter.”

People keep asking me how my lovelife is. But for every person who asks me this question, to tell you the truth, I don’t know what to answer. So I take a few moments to think about it and I answer this with a smile:

“I think its okay.
I am happy.

It’s not like I can’t be happy without a guy in my life.”
And it’s true. But only part of it. I admit I feel lonely sometimes. It’s like my heart misses a certain “feeling”. It hasn’t beaten the way it did some months ago. The feeling of loving someone and being loved back is really a great feeling.After everything, I have concluded that relationships are so hard to handle. Like what I told my friend, to start a relationship you should be emotionally, spiritually, physically, everything-ally ready. If your answer is yes, then, you are ready for a relationship.

This may sound a little weird because you might think I’m taking relationships very seriously. But I think relationships should really be taken seriously. Because playing with a person’s heart is not the way it should be. I mean it’s ridiculous. People who play with other people’s hearts are ridiculous. They are insane. They should be placed behind bars!
(haha! Am I being mean? maybe, because I am bitter!)

I am so scared to give my heart to anyone. Because when I gave my heart away, it returned to me in little pieces. Broken pieces, actually. The problem is I don’t know how to actually put it all together again. Until I realized I’m still busy picking up the pieces of my broken heart. Up to this day.*The damage is too deep. *

 But one thing i have realised after the pain. It proved that I am a stronger person. And it’s a reminder for me to be more careful.

Although, it’s not an assurance. 

I believe that there is no perfect person or a perfect relationship. There is only a perfect couple who will never give up on each other.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My friends r the craziest idiOts i know ... but i Love em !!

Dear F.R.I.E.N.D.S,

ThanQ for being awesOme !! 
I've learnt a Lil bit of something from each one of you...
Thanks for smiling and shining .. n sharing ur colours !!
This wOrld is a cooler place when ur arOund ...
Thanks for being there ..I wish you more sunsHine !!

Loads of huggies n kichus ..


Friday, August 5, 2011

Ever notice how Cupid rhymes with Stupid ???

Dear Stupid Cupid ,

Did anyone tell you that flying around NAKED hitting people in their arses, is not a very good way of making them fall in love!!
There are other miseries in the world kiddo !!!
Go take a HIKE !! ThanQ very much !!!

-A dissatisfied customer .