John Gray, Ph.D., told us that "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" (whether we've found agreeable middle ground here on Earth continues to be up for debate) and Greg Behrendt told us "He's Just Not That Into You," but when Steve Harvey popped up with a book that promised to tell we women, once and for all, what's going on in mens heads, well, how could I resist?
Now what woman in her right mind would want to voluntarily "think like a man"?
Sorry I cannot I am a WOMAN!! Sheeeesh kebab !
I'd prefer the book to be called "Act like a lady in public and think like a ho in bed"
Hell Ya...... I can do that!
The interesting thing is that, the book is written by a MAN, who is supposedly sharing secrets that men don't tell us!....Seriously..that's a joke right?
This guy also goes on and states that the ONLY way a woman can truely be completely SATISFIED, is, to get herself four, thats right, "F O U R" different men, to satisfy her different needs.
1. The old man (financial security) - sits around the house with you, spends his pension check on you, hugs you, holds you, gives you comfort, and won't expect any sex from you because he can't "get it up"
2. The ugly one (gives you all the attention you seek) - whatever you need - run you down the grocery store, wash your car, babysit your cat - he'll provide because he's happy someone as beautiful as you is paying him any kind of attention.

3. The Mandingo man (sex) - he's big, he's not necessarily that smart, but he's got the yummy physique - that's all you want from him, and he makes sure he gives it to you real good - mind blowing sex!
4. The gay guy (gossip-mate) - someone you can go shopping with,who doesn't want anything from you but gossip and details about what the old man bought you, which errands you sent the ugly guy to take care of, and exactly how Mandingo had you doing monkey flips for a week...all the conversation you need.
…. I'm afraid if women followed the principles in this book, we would simply end up old and alone. .
The author is sharing secrets that some men have. He's basing his book on his discussions with his friends - a self-selected group of likemindeds. I'm sure he speaks for a segment of men, but I doubt it's all men.. MEN are not all alike !!
I know I'm gonna sound Cliché.....
Yikes !
But there is no "secret" to a happy relationship. It is like ANYTHING else in life... WORK!!
This book is just another one of those self-help thingies our parents and grandparent generations never needed.
But I'm curious to know how men feel about what Steve Harvey has to say. Is he basically spot on? Full of crap? Has he oversimplified? Under-simplified? Revealed too much?
What say you?
Arrrggghhh !!!
.........Now I think I need to cry, and then punch something. Followed by a good chat about how I feel when I cry and punch, followed by a stop at the BEER bar. Then I will buy me some shoes...
CheeRs tO aLL my MamaciTa frienDS n Foe .......
"ApPy WoMANS dAY "
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