Sunday, March 25, 2012

KnOck ** KnOck

It arrived at  his doorstep wrapped up in shiny red paper with a big bow on top.Not too heavy and not too big, just the right size and very attractive looking too.In a rush of excitement he signed on the dotted line and rushed inside with his package.Tearing off the shiny red paper as he went along sending scraps of red flying everywhere.Inside he found a box, neatly tied with string and quickly found a scissors to cut away the knot.

Curiously he opened up the box, filled with anticipation and eager to see what it held.He peeped inside to find nothing, nothing but empty air and a note which read:

I arrived at your doorstep on a sunny day, wrapped up real nice, all shiny and new.
Your eyes lit up when you saw me standing there holding my heart out to you.
I was so happy when you asked and I said I do.
I really loved you and I thought you loved me too.
So we walked down the isle and made precious vows.
We made so many promises and look where we are now.
The wrapping is gone now and all that's left is just us two.
I've no gifts left to give and  it's too late for sorries that are too long overdue.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

To my unborn daughter and her broken heart ·٠•●♥

I wish I could make this part go faster so that you wouldn't have to feel all this pain.Wish I could put a band aid on it and kiss it all better. But it's not that simple, of course I know, I've been there and although it hurts like hell right now, there's a few things I want you to know.
I want you to know that, yes, love does hurt. It hits you right in the gut, strips you of all your self-control and leaves you with a bleeding heart.But you should also know, that love can be the best thing that you'll ever know.It can make you hop, skip and jump and that's just your heart I'm talking about.
I want you to know how much it hurts so  that when the real thing comes along, the lasting kind, you will also know how great it can be.I want you to know that although it feels like this is the end of the world as you know it, you will survive it and you'll be a better person for it. I want you to know that just like life, love is a learning process and that you have to make it through the crappy bits in order to truly appreciate the brilliant bits.
 So cry your heart out now my sweet, ball your eyes out until there are no tears left to shed.And when you're finally all cried out I can't promise that it will all feel better.No, I wont lie to you, like all good things it takes time.Time for your heart to heal, for the hurt and anger to pass, time for you to learn how to love again.

But, when enough time has passed and your heart begins to flutter again, begins to soar again, remember this:

Love hurts, but it also comforts.
It breaks, but it also mends.
It's bitter, but it's also sweet.
It's careless, but it's also fragile.
It drowns you, but it also makes you float.
It's angry, but it's also gentle.
It's suffocating, but it's also intoxicating.

And no matter how many times it makes you fall a part, you'll always come back for more, because love is what puts you back together.