Monday, February 8, 2010

Unshackle that Heart of Yours!

An email I received caught my attention and gave me a big ol' chuckle too. It's advertising a teleseminar focused on "surviving" Valentine's Day. Wow, what a harsh way to describe the lucrative anti-single fest. Didn't really give it much thought until later. It dawned on me that V-Day used to be on my list of "why it sux to be single".

I stopped dreading facing a mate-less V-Day a few years ago when me and my close girlfriend celebrated the day by going to dinner, sipping on some tasty drinks and making fun of all the couples who looked like they'd rather be at home scrubbing the gunk off the oven walls than hang out with their beloved. That experience taught me that these superficial days are what you make them. Sure, sitting home feeling bad about being solo is easy and cheap, but why do that when you don't have to? It may be a day for "lovers", but I'd rather hang with friends I love.

Oops...back to the topic at hand. The email got me thinking...if I used to countdown the days approaching V-Day like I was heading to the firing squad, I'm quite sure it's way more common than I think. I've made a conscious decision to change my mindset to benefit me.

Whether you plan to wrap up in a snuggie and nurse a box of Patchi or partake in an all-out love what will make you happy. I'm declaring this a "hate-free Valentine's Day"! Heck, if you don't have a valentine, I'll be yours...will you be mine? (yikes!)

Happy Valentine's Day, (seriously!)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's Complimenting Got To Do With It?

Hello Bunnays and puPpays. Just sharing my thoughts with you .....My girlfriends and I were debating about a particular topic.
I was telling my girlfriends in a joking way that I saw this beautiful woman with a nice a$$. After my statement my friend said " homo!". I instantly got annoyed.
Why can’t another secure beautiful woman compliment another beautiful, pretty, fabulous, sexy, hot, voluptuous woman? So she had a nice body, why not tell her? It’s not like I said "lemme jump your bones, honey" or whatever.
However, I have been and currently am working hard to lose those extra pounds and working towards a Bootylicious Me. women and men compliment me all the time and I thank them and smile. Their compliments actually motivate me to continue to maintain my body and stay healthy.It’s the little things that make me smile.
Most of us Women have relied on men so much to tell us how beautiful we are. Some women try so hard to impress men by getting plastic surgery, butt implants, breast implants, etc. So many of us women are walking around with low self-esteem because a man hasn’t told us we are pretty yet (or pretty enough).
Ladies,I have realized that we don’t need validation or compliments, All you have to do is compliment another woman, please. I feel more special when a woman compliments me instead of a man simply because I feel like it’s an honor actually. when a man compliments you ...

For so many years women have competed, trying to outdo one another and acting out of jealousy instead of telling each other how they really feel. Words are very powerful. We all are guilty of using words to put people down and hurt feelings. Instead, why not lift a person up and tell them they’re beautiful if you know they are? I know beauty when I see it and I love beautiful people inside and out, so when I see anything beautiful I am not afraid to speak my mind and compliment.

“Its beauty that captures your attention, But its the personality which captures your heart.