"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction," declared Isaac Newton in the 1700s.
"Garbage in, garbage out," say geeks. Sow a seed, reap a fruit. Plant a chilli, you get chillies back. Plant a mango, you get mangoes back.... then i thought to myself but how is it that sometimes people sow chillies but get mangoes and others sow mangoes, but get chillies? I then figured that there's no inconsistency in this; the chillies are simply fruits of some earlier actions or decisions and the mangoes are yet to come.

One has to realise that you can't force a seed to grow. You can't compel a flower
to blossom. These things depend on the seed type and environmental conditions. Therefore, one must not get dejected - one must not stop sowing good seeds, because there exists no other way to receive good fruits. Often, bitter, drier fruits are more nutritious and health-inducing than the succulent, sweeter ones.
The natural law of the universe : You get what you give, though you may not recognise it, because, it may arrive earlier or later than you expect it to or it could come in a somewhat different guise.
Lemme explain with an example : The cells in our body nourish one another, supporting and supplying each other with nutrients the other needs. The entire biological and ecological system combined makes possible the sustenance of the fabulous and intricate organic system/s we call 'LIFE'.
Similarly, if you befriend, you will be befriended. If you love, you will be loved. Love, family and friends enrich one's life more than any amount of wealth. But you need to make continual investments of friendliness, affection and love to keep the system fully functioning. This is because we are all human beings and we don't love all the time. Sometimes we say nasty things to a loved one - maybe we say things we don't really mean, but it amounts to a withdrawal from the love account. What you take out, needs to be redeposited as early as possible.
Affection and love are not about giving away money or buying expensive gifts, although it is necessary to do these things on certain occasions. When you give of your possessions, you give little. When you give of your self, you give all. Time, a sympathetic ear, humour or a helping hand in times of distress are all what more people need to receive and to give.
My MAntRa IN liFE :
"Give with your whole being, your whole heart - remember, half a seed cannot germinate. And after planting your seeds, expect absolutely nothing in return: Give without remembering you gave and take without forgetting you took."